Rogers Book Store
PHP Website
Website Support
If you can't see the site on your smartphone; you can try to change the phone type to desktop view, or rotate your phone to the side view. If you still have problems, tap the screen to resize it to fix. If you have problems still contact us at support on your computer.
Soon i will be working on a mobile website for the Rogers Blog, it will be another site domain.
PHP Website
Website Support
If you can't see the site on your smartphone; you can try to change the phone type to desktop view, or rotate your phone to the side view. If you still have problems, tap the screen to resize it to fix. If you have problems still contact us at support on your computer.
Soon i will be working on a mobile website for the Rogers Blog, it will be another site domain.
John Smith The Teen Spy:
The Sleeping Spy is about a young teen that falls asleep, but when he awakes the truth comes out. The truth will become the last time John Smith will ever be a teen. But you will have to read the book to find out John's truth. Click Here to order book
John Smith The Teen Spy:
Dr. Evil Hair's Island is about a young teen that falls asleep, but when he awakes the truth comes out. The truth will become the last time John Smith will ever be a teen. But you will have to read the book to find out John's truth. Click Here to order book
Bootmgr Error:
If you see this error and a black screen with the bootmgr error, "DO THE FOLLOWING, DOWNLOAD THE NTFS DISK HERE" click here to download file, the error is that the file is fragmented. You need to create a CD with this file and load it in to your CD or DVD drive. The disk will boot in to dos, scroll down to the DE fragment program "select 2". This will fix the problem, then reboot your system.