Welcome to phpwebsite readme, let me tell you about my phpwebsite appreciation. You can download it from phpwebsite.rjswebhost.com, to download file Click Here. Phpwebsite is totally free, when you unzip it to your websites root directory. Phpwebsite is easy to setup on your server, just change the settings to your liking.
When you read the readme on the website, it will help you to setup phpwebsite. Add some pictures and text you will have a simple website, create and add pages that your visitors will love. Phpwebsite has a lot of fetchers, like on the phpwebsite previews. Click Here to view phpwebsite previews, with the settings you can turn off more than one setting.
Read this readme closely, this will tell you about the program and how to use it. I created the program to be user friendly, pagetemp is easy to edit and create your own website pages. All the settings are on the .inc files, just create your .php file first; looking at the readme.php and readme.inc you can create your page. To get started open the header.inc file and edit the header name, also edit the footer.inc .
Next you need to edit the inctemp.inc file, this file is the contents of your page. To edit the menu, open the menuitem.inc file; this is your top menu bar items. If you would like to create a scrolling text bar, open header.inc; edit the settings to add one. Don’t edit the echo code; to turn it off just leave the Welcome to Online Notebook Website blank. To turn it back on just add text to it, the setting for the menubar is in menubar.inc, don’t edit the echo code.
Next i will talk about the rollover.inc file, this file is for your links and page settings. The settings are for background settings and link settings, to turn the setting off just insert a point at the begging of the setting. For example, you want to turn off the link hover a:hover{}, to turn off //a:hover{} the same with the other settings.
Suppose you want to add a menu to your sidebar, add links in the sidebar.inc file. To turn off the menubar, you have to delete the include(”menubar.inc”); in your phpfile.php. You will have to delete it from all phpfiles, or you can delete the include(”menuitem.inc”); from the menubar.inc file.
I would like to tell you about the footer, you can find the settings in the footer.inc. The menu items are in the footitem.inc, this is where you can add menu items for the footer. You can delete the menu items by deleting the include(”footitem.inc”); in the footer.inc file, Thank You for downloading phptemp website.
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